If you are here I am assuming that you are looking to migrate the data from Cloud Datastore to Big Query because you want to do some analysis and are frustrated by limitations imposed by GQL (Google Query Language). First of all you need to create a backup of the data in datastore. Use the Datastore Admin tool provided by Google to take a backup and store it automatically in the Cloud Storage bucket. Select all the entities and press 'Backup Entities'. Give a backup name, select Google Cloud Storage as backup storage destination and specify a bucket name. Once the backup job is completed, you will see the backup listed. You can select a backup and press 'Info' and see the details (Entities are masked in the screenshot below). Go to the bucket mentioned in 'Handle' and you will see the file mentioned above. You will also see many more files with similar names, ending with .backup_info (e.g. ahRzfmpkYS1wZC1zbG8tc2FuZGJveHJBCxIcX0FFX0RhdGFzdG9yZUFk...