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Showing posts from May, 2019

How to deploy a Web App on Kubernetes cluster using Azure Kubernetes Service

I deployed my webapp on Azure and found that the ease and simplicity of deploying and managing an Azure Webapp Service does not come cheap!  So next best option was to deploy it on Kubernetes using Azure Kubernetes Service. It involves a few more steps than webapp service, but then it is cheaper and if I want to move it to Google Container Engine, I don't have to break into sweat.  So here are the steps I followed: Created a new Resource Group named firstResourceGroup. az group create --name firstResourceGroup --location eastus Created new ACR in this new resource group. Let's call it 'firstContainerRegistry'.  az acr create --resource-group firstResourceGroup --name firstContainerRegistry --sku Basic On successful completion, the output is like this: {   "adminUserEnabled": false,   "creationDate": "2019-04-24T05:03:32.564208+00:00",   "id": "/subscriptions/1900743b-c1ab-48cd-9951-eb03f5c237...