There are so few examples of Azure Functions implemented in Java and even official documentation is a little confusing, so I decided to write my own post explaining some of the points. So here is my function class: public class EventHubTriggerFunction { /** * This function will be invoked when an event is received from Event Hub. */ @FunctionName ( "EventHubTrigger-Java" ) public void run ( @EventHubTrigger (name = "message" , eventHubName = "my-event-hubs" , connection = "EventHubConnectionString" , consumerGroup = "$Default" ) String message, final ExecutionContext context ) { context.getLogger().info( "Java Event Hub trigger function executed." ); context.getLogger().info( "Message:" + message); } } The noteworthy thing in this snippet are the annotation attributes. name : Any name that can be given to the...