The two local storage mechanisms in HTML5 , 'LocalStorage' and 'SessionStorage' are really nifty when you need to store the data temporarily but don't want to involve any server side interaction. I wanted to create a small HTML-form page which would allow user to enter data in various fields and on submitting the form, just show the data submitted in a text-format (easy for copy-paste). And if needed allow the data to be edited by repopulating the data in the fields. Something like this: On submitting, the entered data shows up like this: On reloading the page, once again we get the first page with data populated in the fields. Pretty cool eh? I decided to use sessionStorage for this. Idea is very simple (and you will notice that implementation is as simple!). Before starting with sessionStorage or JS code, let's take a look at the form HTML code: <form id="bct" > < label>Problem Description/Current Behavior: < /l...