Azure is a great cloud platform but its services have mostly terrible names and confusing, often heavily overlapping features between them.
And so another one in this series of confusing services is Azure Data Lake. I have tried to make sense of this service and what it does!
Azure Data Lake
Azure Data Lake has two components, which are very tightly integrated:
a. Azure Data Lake Analytics (ADLA)
b. Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS)
ADLA gives us the ability to run analytical jobs (query, extract, aggregate, transform output etc.) on data, which is stored in ADLS, in form of files.
Below ‘temp’ is the name of ADLA account. As we can see ‘tempdl’ is the name of associated ADLS account, which acts as the data source for this ADLA account.
As we can see below, the ‘tempdl’ has got following data stored in form of files.
ADLA lets us query, transform and do other operations on this data using USQL (properietary language, a combination of SQL and C#) and save the result data again in form of files in the ADLS account.
How does ADLA do that?
In form of jobs. Below we can see a job named ‘Query a TSV file’, which is a U-SQL type job.
Below we see details of the above-mentioned job.
Below is the U-SQL script used to do this task of querying the file named ‘SearchLog.tsv’.
As mentioned in the script above, the output of the query is written to SearchLog_output.tsv file.
Here is what the output file looks like:
For any job there are four stages:
a. Preparing: the script is compiled, and execution plan is created
b. Queued: Resources are collected
c. Running: Actual execution happens.
d. Done: Any cleanup tasks are executed
More U-SQL concepts
Following script does data filtering on a file:
@searchlog = EXTRACT UserId int , Start DateTime , Region string , Query string , Duration int , Urls string , ClickedUrls string FROM "/Samples/Data/SearchLog.tsv" USING Extractors.Tsv();
@filter = SELECT UserId, Region, Query, Duration, Urls FROM @searchlog WHERE Duration > 500;
OUTPUT @filter TO "/Samples/Output/LongDurationSearches.tsv" USING Outputters.Tsv();
Note that the language is case sensitive, unlike SQL.
Catalog, Databases and Tables
Whenever we create a new ADLS account, we get a U-SQL Catalog, which has got one or more databases. It has one Master database by default and many user-created databases.
Data is stored in Tables. There is also concept of Views, Stored Procedures etc.
Below script creates a new database and table:
//Create Database SampleDBTutorials CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS SampleDBTutorials;
//Create Table OlympicAthletes CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS SampleDBTutorials.dbo.SearchLog ( //Define schema of table UserId int, Start DateTime, Region string, Query string, Duration int, Urls string, ClickedUrls string, INDEX idx1 //Name of index CLUSTERED (Region ASC) //Column to cluster by DISTRIBUTED BY HASH (Region) //Column to partition by );
As we can see below, running a job with above script produces no data files.
Following script populates this newly created table using the data from SearchLog.tsv file:
//Read some data @searchlog = EXTRACT UserId int, Start DateTime, Region string, Query string, Duration int, Urls string, ClickedUrls string FROM @"/Samples/Data/SearchLog.tsv" USING Extractors.Tsv();
//Insert it into a previously created table INSERT INTO SampleDBTutorials.dbo.SearchLog SELECT * FROM @searchlog WHERE Duration > 500;
Below is the Job Graph, along with Heat Map on the basis of ‘Written’ data. Heat Map highlights the step in the graph which has maximum value for given parameter.
Note that output in this scenario is not a file, but a table.
But this table can’t be queried by just clicking on it. We need another job with a U-SQL query to view the data.
Following query queries the table and writes data to a file:
//Read from SearchLog table @athletes = SELECT * FROM SampleDBTutorials.dbo.SearchLog;
//Write it to a file so we can look at it OUTPUT @athletes TO @"/Samples/Output/SearchLog_output.tsv" USING Outputters.Tsv(); |
Here is the output file:
As we can see the analytics works very closely with the storage account. Great thing is that the data lake storage can store data files of any size and any number of files can be stored. Also, as we saw, structured (tables) and unstructured or semi-structured data can be stored in the ADLS and ADLA has capability to work on it.
Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2
ADLS Gen 2 is not a separate service but is built on top of Blob Storage only.
Blob Storage stores data in blobs and doesn’t really have folders. ADLS stores data hierarchically in folders (which are first class citizens). ADLS Gen2 assimilates hierachical storage as well as other features of ADLS (made for analytical/Big Data services, large amount of any type of data etc.) with Blob Storage (massive availability, partner eco-system etc.). For any data/file stored in Gen 2, we can get two endpoints, one as an object store and other as a file store.